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        SG-5408double-layer magnetic stirrer
        SG-5408 type double-layer magnetic stirrer is the company to meet the needs of various laboratories, carefully designed and refined processing of production
        SG-5407collector-type magnetic stirrer
        SG-5407-type magnetic stirrer-type collector is the company to meet the needs of various laboratories, carefully designed and sophisticated manufacturing technology
        SG-5406 magnetic stirrer
        SG-5406 High-power stainless steel magnetic stirrer is the company to meet various types of laboratory samples and the large capacity needs of high-viscosity mixing samples, carefully designed and refined processing of production
        SG-5405 multi-head  Magnetic stirrer
        SG-5405 series digital display constant temperature multi-head Magnetic stirrer is the company to meet the needs of various types of laboratory, carefully designed and refined processing of production.
        SG-5404 constant temperature magnetic stirr
        SG-5404 series constant temperature magnetic stirrer is the company to meet the needs of various types of laboratory, carefully designed and refined processing of production.
        SG-5402 multi-head heating Magnetic stirrer
        SG-5402 series multi-head heating Magnetic stirrer is the company to meet the needs of various types of laboratory, carefully designed and refined processing of production.
        90-1型大功率磁力攪拌器 特點:攪拌力強,單攪拌、攪拌功率大. 90-1A型大功率磁力攪拌器 特點:攪拌力強,攪拌功率大、配電接點水銀溫度計可自行控溫(自行配置接點水銀溫度計,加熱器). 90-1B大功率加熱磁力攪拌器 特點:攪拌力強,攪拌功率大、配電接點水銀溫度計可自行控溫(自行配置接點水銀溫度計). 96-1型特大功率磁力攪拌器 特點:特大功率、大容量、三相直流無刷電機、電子調速
        RCT basic 加熱型磁力攪拌器
        性能可靠的磁力攪拌器。按DIN 12878標準連接電子溫度計,如ETS-D4 fuzzy。

        上海碩光電子科技有限公司 版權所有

        ICP備案號:滬ICP備14032911號-5 管理登陸 技術支持:化工儀器網   總流量:488826  網站地圖

        • 劉先生



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